Tandem Paraglide Flights & Paraglide School

The Mont-Blanc region is certainly the most beautiful playground to try tandem paragliding flight! You will without doubt, retain intense and moving memories of your flight in this amazing valley.
We can fly tandem for beginners without any previous experience all year long in Chamonix, summer and winter!
This is an activity for both adults and children,
No previous experience is necessary for all the tandem flights!

Paragliding: developed from parachuting canopies, modern paragliders can be soared effortless on windward slopes and across country in good wind conditions. Finally realise man's oldest dream and discover the simple pleasure of a tandem paragliding-flight. Easy and safety flight above Chamonix Valley like an eagle, the best way to discover Chamonix Valley and Mont-Blanc massif !

Launching?  Your active participation, with a short run, will be necessary for the take-off along a gentle slope, the wing lifts us off the ground (there is no sensation of falling). In fact, a good launch feels similar to an airplane taking off.
See our video to show the take off of a Tandem Paraglide
The flight? Just relax in a very comfortable sit-harness and enjoy an amazing view facing the highest moutains of Europe! You will have your hands free and if you want you can take photos or video...The amazement of this flight will also be for you the opportunity to learn the basics of piloting. Indeed, if you want, you will be able to pilot a little, by taking the brakes under the careful advice of your teacher.
Touchdown and landing? Your active participation, with a short run, will be necessary for the landing which is easy and generally gentle, according to the valley wind... and you need a short run for a couple of meters...
So don't wait to try unforgettable sensations to discover differently the more spectacular mountains of the Alps, with a full qualified instructor, tandem flight specialist.
Pilot leader: Franck Chapon Former member of the French Paragliding Team  with 28 years of Paragliding experience in Chamonix and all other the world!

1. Introductory Tandem Flight: Summer & Winter
Brévent 2000m  or Plan de l’Aiguille 2317m
Duration of the activity: 60 - 90 minutes
Flight time: 15 to 30 minutes in the air ,depending upon aerological conditions.
Equipment: Hiking boots or trainers, a windbreaker jacket, sun glasses, and don't forget a smile and your camera
Brévent midway station: “Planpraz” Altitude2000m  140€
Midway station of Aiguille du Midi: “Plan de l’Aiguille” Altitude 2300m =  160€

We can offer pictures and video of your flight extra cost: 30€
In Summer: lift tiket Brévent= 18€ Plan de l’Aiguille= 22Please note in winter the lift tiket is included in your skipass.

General time you should expect to do the trip?
Brévent: Morning in summer / All day in winter
Plan de L’aiguille: Afternoon (“Plan de L’Aiguille” : it is not allowed to fly there in July & August)
2.Special Flight: Cross Country flights of long duration
For a wonderful and amazing trip above the mountains next to the clouds facing all Mont-Blanc massif !
Our Cross Country flights are only possible, if we have enought strong thermals to lift the glide high in the sky. Usually, we find this kind of conditions towards end of morning and beginning of afternoon in the spring and summer season.
Flight duration: between 45 - 60 minutes flying
Price: 280€
 lift ticket Brévent= 18€ Plan de l’Aiguille= 20€​
We can offer pictures and video of your flight extra cost: 30€
More pictures of mountain tandem flights on this link

3. HIGH MOUNTAIN TANDEM FLIGHT Grands Montets Altitude 3350m (Summer and Winter spot, but take off on skis on during the winter season).  Initiated by a Mountain Guide UIAGM /Paragliding Instructor! High mountain flights Specialist !
Please Note: Unfortunately, these Tandem Flights from top Grands-Montets are not anymore possible actually as the cable car of Grands-Montets is out of order this year...

Discover the high mountains from a different angle: launch on a snowy glacier, very easily accessible from a short guided walk(5mn) in the snow in summer, sking down in winter.
Available to eveyone, no prior experience necessary...
please note we can not take any children on these tandem flights !
Our Flight: Fly next to "Aiguille verte"4122m and "Les Drus"3754m, then crossing "La Mer de Glace" glacier, viewing all of the Mont-Blanc massif, giving you one of the most beautiful paragliding flights in Europe.
In the winter, take off easily on ski's for the ultimate ski fly experience!
Duration of the activity: 2h - 3h
Flight time: 30 to 60minutes , depending upon aerological conditions..
Equipment: Summer: Hiking boots(suitable to walk in snow), warm clothes, windbreaker jacket and gloves (we will be happy to let you borrow one of our flying suits).  Winter: Your skis, Hiking boots (suitable to walk in snow), warm clothes,windbreaker jacket and gloves (We will be happy to let you borrow one of our flying suits).
General time you should expect to do the trip?
In summer, we usually organize Grands-Montets flights at the beginning of afternoon.  Morning flights are sometimes possible depending on the wind conditions. 
Price: 260€ + cost of the Grands Montets cable cars: 30€ We can offer pictures and video of your flight extra cost: 30€
4. Aiguille du Midi:  Altitude 3800 m (Spring, Autumn and Winter spot)
A flight from Aiguille du Midi is one of the most spectacular Tandem flights in the world.
We start by taking the Aiguille du Midi cable car to the sumit to 3840m !  For safety reasons roped up to your Mountain Guide-Paragliding instructor, with crampons and ice axe, we then climb down to one of the most fantastic launch sites in the world! This spectacular flight provides a birdseye view of the French, Italian and Swiss alps as your pilot flies like a bird through the Valley. 
According to the wind direction we have the choice betweeen 2 take-off sites:
Launch and take off on the south side: the flight takes you over the legendary “Vallée Blanche”
Launch and take off on the north side:
We will go to fly above north face of Aiguille du Midi then close to the Mont-Blanc, or all along the north faces of “Les Aiguille de Chamonix” !
All take-Off and flights depend upon wind directions and aerial wind conditions.
It is advisable but not compulsory to have already made a lower level "classical tandem flight" or to make one as training from either Brevent or Plan de l’Aiguille beforehand.
Duration of the activity: The whole event takes around a half day.
Flight duration: Between 40min to one hour depending upon aerological conditions.
Equipment: Warm clothes including a windproof outer layer, gloves and your camera! You will also need to wear High mountain walking boots, suitable with crampons (these may be rented with discount to our sportshop partner in Chamonix: “Sanglard Sport” )
We will be happy to let you borrow one of our flying suits, gloves, head-band etc. We can also provide you with harness and telescopic ski poles to help you climb down the ridge to the launch area.
Price: 380€
We can offer pictures and video of your flight extra cost: 30€
Lift price for the 2 cable cars to reach the summit at 3800m: 50€ - Multi-Pass: 65€
"Special Aiguille du Midi Training combination"
Book a Classic flight from Brévent and one from Aiguille du Midi 
Special price: 480€  
 Multi-Pass: 65€

For all Tandem flights we offer Discounts for Groups & Families (contact us)

More information on Availability, Prices & Booking:
Please email us booking@chamonix-sport-aventure.com
or call us: 0033 645 89 28 52